How To Land High-Ticket Copywriting Clients (In 30-60 Days)


  • Must Read This Before You Start
  • Master Positioning
  • Don’t Pick A Niche
  • Master Objection Handling And Closing
  • Step-by-step Methods To Find/Attract And Land High-ticket Copywriting Clients
    • Cold Methods (Outbound strategy)
      • Inbound Strategies
  • How I Build Irresistible Offer Proposals To Close Smoothly
  • How I create a Case-study Portfolio (with Google Docs)

Must Read This Before You Start

Before you dive deep into this, I want you to know some important things first.

This strategy will work better for you if:

  • You already have low-ticket clients.
  • You have already tried Cold DM and Cold Email methods. (but got no response)
  • You already have tried follow-up and sales call strategies to close them.
  • You’re a freelancer copywriter and don’t know how to charge in 4-5 figures.
  • But if you’re a total beginner, I’d suggest you go with low-ticket first.

First, I need you to know a little bit about me.

I built my one-man 6-figure copywriting agency in 2-3 years. I’ve worked with 2 agencies in the US, 50+ cool clients around the world, and generated over $2M in revenue for them.

I started my copywriting journey in 2021. From my experience, I’ve launched many info-products on Copywriting and Cold Outreach mastery which made me over $80,000 so far.


Let’s go.

First, if you want to win a big client as a copywriter, you have to be a real copywriter. If you’re an amateur copywriter who knows some AIDA and other formulas or templates, then you need to learn a lot more.

A real copywriter is one who is a sales-oriented writer. Your copy has to sell or make money or both.

A high-end client isn’t looking for someone who can save his time or money. They’re looking for you to level up their marketing campaigns and bring more sales. They’re looking for a partner with expertise, not to delegate or outsource something.

You must have to be a master in researching target audience, sales & marketing psychology, messaging, and data analysis.

So, Let’s freaking do it.

As you know, there are only 2 ways to get high-ticket or low-ticket clients. 

  1. You find them (Outbound strategies)
  2. They find you (Inbound strategies)

Didn’t get it? Let me show you.

It means they’re aware of you and they want you or you have to build authority and show them who you are and what you did for other brands or clients.

(I’m not here talking about Fiverr or Upwork bullshit).

So, in the 1st outbound strategy, you:

  • You search and find the dream clients
  • You send DMs and Cold Emails
  • You follow up, make calls, and then close them.
  • And much more.

And the 2nd one is inbound where you:

  • Create specific content
  • Create lead magnets
  • Write newsletter
  • You pitch your clear offer

And TBH, the outbound strategy is great I can say but it’s too much headache.

You may be doing sales calls to land high or low-ticket clients.

But sales calls drain your energy and make you nervous. And you may be not growing fast enough because they take up too much time.

I did everything. But I always hate sales calls. (the main reason is I’m a big introvert lol).

It doesn’t mean I never make calls. See, the thing you need to understand is that the more you listen to your client, the more you know what exactly they want, and the better you can over-deliver them.

I’m saying again that I DO CALLS. But… Not all the time.

See, many clients don’t even know what their problem is and what they want. It’s your job to ask them questions, listen to them, and act accordingly. That’s the main purpose of calling. If you still don’t wanna do this, I got you here.

And I was doing all kinds of Cold DMs and Cold Emails.

They still work. No hate. I still land clients using cold methods.

But, But, But…

The strategy I’m gonna show you is simple and clear (but not that easy).

I use only 3 things to sign high-ticket clients:

  1. Email
  2. Twitter DMs
  3. A simple G-doc page

Let me explain to you in short before we go into depth:

  1. Email: I use email marketing for Cold emails. I send newsletters. This is used for both inbound and outbound strategy.
  2. Twitter DMs:  Real businesses are built and closed in the DMs. That’s the power of closing through chatting.
  3. A simple Google Docs Page: This is used as my portfolio, but not an actual portfolio. This is what I use to close the deals. This is where I share my previous case studies, show my credibility, and pitch my irresistible offer in the end.

That’s it. You need nothing else.

But Why High-ticket?

Because when you work with only high-paying clients, you can overdeliver better, and they can understand you better than any low-paying client.

You know that less is more. 

If you get many low-paying clients at a time, you might not deliver on your promise. You may get burned out too soon.

For example, it’s better to have 4 clients that pay you $5,000 than 20 clients that pay you $500.

Both ways you make $10,000. But it’s better to work for 4 clients and overdeliver them than 20 clients. (You may not be able to manage 20.)

I got my first High-paying client applying the same strategy. 

Since then, I have had many clients who paid me over $2k.

This is not possible in a single day or week. But this is the result of my daily hard work.

And now I’m gonna explain to you everything in detail. 

Here we go, amigos!

Master Positioning

How do you position yourself as a copywriter in this crowded market where there are 1000s of copywriters like you?

What is your USP? What skills, experiences, or perspectives do you bring to the table?

Why does someone hire you and give you their hard-earned money?

And wait… Does positioning really matter?

Yes. Because it defines how you stand out differently.

See, what does a client want?

Most copywriters think that they write the best copy of the world that’ll impress their clients and they’ll get more and more clients that way. But this is not how it works. 

You need to understand that:

Copy is nothing.

Copy doesn’t matter for clients.

Even though I’m telling you the truth, most of the clients don’t even know the meaning of copy or copywriting.

So, what they actually want?

They want results.

They want more sales.

They want more clicks.

They want to spread their message because they can’t do it themselves.

They want you to reduce the friction between the buyer’s mind and the product they’re selling so buyers buy more and more.

They don’t care about copy or anything else.

That’s the purpose of copywriting.

If you meet the purpose, you win.

But here, I’m talking about how you would meet that purpose that’d make you deserve what clients have to pay.

Because they don’t want to waste their money.

So, how to position yourself as a copywriter?

1. What is your focus? I mean, what’s your different point of view to solve a problem? 

For example, most copywriters can’t think outside of copywriting formulas, templates, power words, and some bullshit ideas that may work sometimes, but you can’t apply them everywhere.

That’s what makes you different from others.

So, all I’m saying is that I believe in long-term working frameworks and strategies, not in temporary solutions.

2. How do you figure out what’s happening in the market you’re gonna target? If you don’t know your desired market, how would you compete? How would you differentiate yourself from others?

3. What kind of things do you disagree with? I see most copywriters just keep doing what’s built before without knowing it’s wrong or right. So, find some ideas you totally disagree with and talk about them. Also, tell your clients the different concepts you believe in.

4. Create a strong personal brand on Twitter. Because your social media account is the new portfolio or new resume. Nobody will ask you for your marketing degree. Everyone sees who you are, how much you know, and what you can do for them. 

5. What social proof do you have? If you have any, you might get a low-ticket client, but you need solid proof, a story, and a case study to get a high-ticket client.

6. How simple and creatively do you look at a problem and come up with the solution? Because two things, simplicity, and creativity are what we need to make the copy interesting and sellable.

7. What’s your speed of delivery? Be as fast as possible. 

So, if you ask me, what made me different or how I position myself? Here are my positioning factors:

  1. High-value: Quality copy. Quality outreach methods. And never force or beg someone to make a deal. Because nobody cares about how important you need the money. Everyone cares about themselves.
  2. High-value Results: What kind of results I can give to them? I need to know the quality and transparency of my work and my writing skills. So, when I hire other copywriters for my agency, I make sure of the same kind of things from them.
  3. Focusing only on High-paying clients: I only work with people who are rich. Because they’ll give you money. You know this. I don’t work for low-ticket clients anymore.

Don’t Pick A Niche

Don’t put yourself into a single niche in the beginning. Go abroad. Go big. Grab everything.

Why? Why am I saying that?

Many of you may be wondering why my favorite gurus always talk about picking a niche.

But, listen, now I’m talking about copywriting and that’s your niche.

I’m not hating any niche. I mean, if you’re just an email copywriter, that’s good. Go for it.

But if you become a full-stack copywriter, there are a lot more opportunities for you to go abroad, get different clients, and make more money.

Remember “Go Wide, Then Go Deep.

Copywriting has different niches, for example:

  1. Email copywriting
  2. Web copy
  3. VSLs
  4. Sales pages
  5. Social Media Ad copy
  6. YouTube or Tiktok ad scripting
  7. PPC or SEO marketing
  8. And many more.

So, if you’re already a niche copywriter focusing on only one of all these niches, it’s good. But I suggest you go with all of them.

Or you can choose two or three of these. It depends upon you how much experience you have and what things you can write better.

There are mainly 3 types of niches:

  1. Wealth
  2. Health
  3. Relationship

You need to choose. Work for anyone, not everyone. Go for anything you want to write for. Because it’s you who will decide it before you do any cold outreach or create attractive content to get some leads.

Master Objection Handling And Closing

The other day, I had a call with my client. She was a girl. I always had a hard time talking to girls (thanks to my introverted personality lol).

Because I was an amateur copywriter and English is my 3rd language, I messed up the call. I didn’t know how to listen, answer the questions, and give the right solution. And all I was thinking about closing the deal without giving her an actual solution. Because I didn’t know how to do it myself.

But somehow I handled the objections and big thanks to the Google Docs that saved me and helped me to close that deal. Before the call, I sent her a simple G-doc page where I proved my expertise, positioning, and offer. (Don’t worry, I’ll show how you can build the same kind of g-doc page later in this guide).

So, How to handle objections and answer all your client’s questions as a copywriter?

Remember, if you’re going for rich and high-budget clients, you won’t get many objections because they understand things more than any low-budget clients. But still, you need to know these things before pitching and closing.

The most common objection I ever received is… “Will your copy perform?” and “Your rates are too high for our budget.”

But every time I handle this objection I tell them that I’ll rewrite the copy as many times as it’s needed UNTIL it performs. For pricing issues, I show them the case studies and testimonials from my previous clients. And I emphasize the value and ROI of my copywriting skill with stories, metrics, data, and complete transparency. That’s how I remove the risk for a client completely.

And other than that, from my experience I’m telling you that I got a lot of objections from different types of clients. Most of the objections I heard from them were like:

  • You don’t understand my business
  • I don’t want a generalist
  • Freelancers have no testimonials from others
  • How do I know you will meet my timelines
  • You don’t know my ‘voice’
  • You are not a professional
  • An agency has oversight but a freelancer doesn’t
  • You don’t understand how to work with my team
  • How do I know whether your price is reasonable?
  • How do I know your skills?
  • How do I know your marketing knowledge and skills?
  • How do I know if you also do layout or other ad requirements?
  • Freelancers don’t use the same software we use so we have to ‘translate’ their work

And the solution for this is to know these things and prepare them long before any communications with the prospect.

Breaking down the objections, managing expectations with your marketing, and clear communication on your part will wipe away most objections. 

Testimonials, guarantees, contracts- these also eliminate risk for prospects.

Remember that client prospecting is also about figuring out who YOU want to work with. So if you did your best to explain the benefits of your service and a client is still questioning your prices, it’s okay to turn them down.

I promise you, there are clients out there who want to invest in your services. You just have to find the right prospects and approach them with confidence.

The above questions that your clients might ask. But, But, But…

As a copywriter, Here are 5 questions YOU need to ask your prospects on the discovery call:

  1. What goal are you hoping to achieve?
  2. What is your mission and why did you start your company?
  3. What kind of copy do you need?
  4. Who is your ideal customer?
  5. What is your ideal timeline?

These are the questions you need to ask on the call before closing so it can build mutual understanding and you can deliver what exactly your clients want.

This is how I deal with all the mutual objections and make it super smooth to create a win-win situation.

All clear?

And now, let’s get into our favorite part.

Step-by-step Methods To Find/Attract And Land High-ticket Copywriting Clients 

So, this is where the real game starts.

I told you everything you need to do before finding and landing.

You started creating content on Twitter.

You did your unique positioning.

You have copywriting experience with previous clients.

Now you’re going to grab the big fish.

So, here you go.

I’m explaining to you the one-by-one method so you don’t get confused.

1. Cold Methods (Outbound strategy)

1. -> Get to know your target market:

So, when I say getting clients with cold methods, remember that not the entire market is your customer.

The entire market, I mean, you can’t target everyone who comes under health, wealth, and relationship niches.

​​Before you start sending out cold emails or cold DMs, you need to know who you want to target. Think about the type of businesses you want to work with, their size, industry, location, and competition.

This will help you to create a good offer and increase the chances of getting a response.

For example, my target market or ideal clients are startup founders and B2C/B2B brands. I only target them with cold outreach.

Here are some other niches to define what market you’re targeting:

  • Real Estate Industry
  • Insurance Industry
  • Fintech Industry
  • Retail and E-commerce Industry
  • Finance Industry
  • Technology Industry
  • Health & Pharma Industry
  • Travel & Hospitality Industry
  • Automobile Industry
  • Higher Education Industry
  • Technology Industry

2. -> Find your ideal clients and build a list of 100:

I prefer you to do it with both email and Twitter.

Because you’re already building your strong personal brand on Twitter, it’s easy for you to attract them and easy to talk to them in the DMs.

So, how to find them for email marketing:

Before you can send any cold emails, you need a list of potential clients. But how do you know who should be on your list?

This thing that I’m telling you is the exact thing I did to land over $3k clients using email outreach.

So, the first thing is you know what you’re selling. You’re selling a copywriting service. You are selling your time and skill.

And who needs it? Who needs copywriting the most? In my case, they are:

  1. Agencies
  2. Start-up owners
  3. People who are selling their digital products
  4. And brands who are selling their service business to business or business to consumers.

Now what? Now you need to know where they are and where you can find them.

I mean, they’ve their presence on the internet, but are they on LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Google, or do you need to check their website?

Yes, you need to do these detailed things.

For example, you’re living in Europe or Asia, but your ideal clients are from the US. Then you need to find them in their market. But how?

There are mainly 2 ways to get high-paying clients in this cold approach:

  1. You will need to either approach the client directly, maybe by sending a “cold” email to someone in their marketing department. 
  2. Through an agency that works with freelancers.

See, as a freelance copywriter, I tried both. I’ve sent cold emails to big clients but ah… I never got any response. So, I knew I could find clients through agencies.

Agencies are always pitching new business and usually need extra help, so they’re a great connection to have if you’re new to freelancing or looking for work.

So I needed to make a list of at least 100 agency contacts from the US.

I went on Google and searched for marketing, advertising, design, and branding agencies in the ideal market that I wanted to work with.

I reviewed each site, made a note of what I liked (or why I wanted to work with them), and found the best person to contact.

Usually, the founder or the head of the department I wanted to work with—and reached out.

And, this is the exact approach that landed me two long-term clients from the US.


Because I knew who I was targeting and where they were located.

And keep in mind that you need to go through countless meetings, interviews, and other projects throughout your freelance career.

So, since you’re building on Twitter/X, you need to do almost the same there.

How I do it:

  1. Go to Twitter.
  2. Search for the creators who are entrepreneurs, and start-up owners, running their marketing & advertising agencies, and selling their digital products or info products.
  3. Make a list of 100 creators.
  4. Go to their profile one by one.
  5. Check out their following/followers tab, their replies, and the comment section.
  6. Now add more creators to your list. That’s your dream 100.
  7. Then go to their website, and see what they’re doing, what’s missing on their website, what things need to be improved, and what things you can fix.
  8. And then frame your DM in a way where you tell them who you are, what mistakes they’re making, and how you can fix them.

Remember: It’s all about pairing your expertise with a need and framing it in the right way; they may not need your services right away, but that doesn’t mean they won’t need you in the future.

3. -> Design an Effective Cold Email Strategy:

Once you segment your high-ticket customers according to their industry and income size, defining your cold email strategy becomes easy. Either you can invest in cold email tools to send emails in bulk or you can send emails manually. But I suggest you invest in a tool.

So, how I write effective Cold emails:

1. Give 99% focus on crafting catchy subject lines. If you run a cold email outreach campaign, you must know that the subject line matters the most in earning a high email opening rate. 

2. Never miss out on email personalization. A tailored email hits the clients right from the subject line, followed by content that discusses the ICP’s industry pains, challenges, and requirements. 

If you’re just sending cold emails saying “Hey, I’m the best copywriter. I made $$$ for someone and I’d 10x your revenue in 30 days using my killer copy skills. Please hire me.” 

That way nothing gonna work for you unless you don’t talk about the ICP’s business, challenges, and solving a problem. That’s called “Personalization

3. Focus on getting a high email deliverability ratio and warm-up email addresses before cold outreach. Email deliverability refers to landing your cold email safely in the high-ticket customer’s inbox. If you think just getting the prospect’s email address and drafting a compelling email makes a cold email campaign successful, you are wrong because there are bigger fishes to fry.

4. Design a 7 Follow-up Sequence. One thing I’m telling you straight to your face: You can’t make it if you don’t follow up, as simple as that. I believe in a 7x follow-up sequence. 

Use cold email outreach software to set up the email sequences using the right creatives, content, and CTA.

Here’s my Cold email strategy with follow-ups:

Here is the Cold Email structure I use to send perfect emails:

(Note: This is a simple framework or email structure. Please don’t copy and paste the exact, but edit it accordingly.)

4. -> How to craft winning Cold DMs:

This is how I do it:

1. Have a clear idea of what service you’re offering. Be specific with your offer. Don’t ask vague questions and don’t make your offer too broad. Don’t say “I write landing page copy”, Instead say, “I write high-converting landing pages for start-up owners like you”

2. Find your ideal clients and create a list of 100 you want to work for. Use the same strategy I told you above to find and make a list.

3. Personalize your DMs. Again I’m telling you, don’t just say “Hey, I’m a great copywriter who made 100k for my clients. Do you have some work? I can do any type of copy for you. Interested?”

Don’t do this. First, research your prospect, see what they’re building, and what problems and mistakes you see in their web copy or sales pages, and then make a personalized DM mentioning all the problems and try to chat more instead of pitching directly.

4. Follow up. You can’t do it without it. Follow the same follow-up strategy as cold email. (mentioned above). And show your personality during follow-ups.

2. Inbound Strategies

So, now I’m gonna show you where your ideal clients would come to you by inbound strategies. I’m gonna show the only things that I do to land them by inbound methods.

For this, all you need to do is choose a social media platform and start attracting your clients. Here’s how I do it:

1. -> Start creating specific content on Twitter/X:

Since your specific niche is copywriting, start creating valuable content around it. For me, I create content about copywriting and 2-3 other niches that are related to copywriting like storytelling, marketing, sales, and product launching. 

To build your personal brand on X, you need 3 things: Specific content, Lead magnets, and an irresistible offer. That’s it.

Post high-value content, it’ll attract high-value followers. Create a simple content strategy. Do this:

• Tweets

• Giveaways

• Value bombs

• Threads & Long-Forms

• Case studies

• Social proof

2. -> Start a Newsletter:

Start a free newsletter. Send emails daily or weekly. I landed many clients from my newsletter. 

3. -> Master networking and relationship building:

You can’t survive on any social media platform without networking, engaging, building relationships, and building community. This is the best way to attract your dream client. Because one good referral can change your whole life.

Ask for Referrals:

Don’t be shy about asking your present clients for referrals. Try to persuade them in a professional manner to ask their connections to go for your products or services. 

The concept of referrals is a heavyweight when it comes to generating quality and relevant leads.

Develop a Sales Funnel to nurture them:

A quality sales funnel is critical when it comes to nurturing leads and transforming them into high-ticket clients. 

So, create a blueprint of your sales process, jotting down key touchpoints and opportunities to interact with prospects. 

I use email marketing, automation, and customized tools to drive leads through the funnel effectively.

For example, Calendly or ClickUp for calls. WordPress or Carrd for landing pages, and ConvertKit or MailerLite for email automation.

How I Build Irresistible Offer Proposals To Close Smoothly

How, as a copywriter, do I build offers that are hard to refuse?

Many people I see that make offers are extremely complicated.

Sometimes they don’t even understand what they’re actually offering.

1. Make notes from the discovery calls:

Write down everything they said or asked in the notes app. Then go to Google Docs, and copy and paste all the points and questions. And then write a short description of how you look at them and how you can solve them for the client.

2. Write down the end goal of your prospective client:

Write down what they want. Are they looking to create FB ads to drive traffic on their site? Are they in need of some hooks for their organic social media? Are they looking to create an email sequence to announce the product launch? 

And again write a short description of how you can help them with your skills and your USP.

3. Break down the proposal into phases:

For example, Instead of saying to your prospective client that I’ll do everything for you at a fixed price, reframe it like this:

  1. 1st phase is where you write a copy for the pre-launch setup including the sales page and email marketing or social media posts.
  2. The 2nd phase is where you write copy to generate traffic and leads including lead magnets, giveaways, discounts, final launch setups, and social media content copy.
  3. The 3rd phase is where you write a copy for sales and marketing after the launch of the product or service. Including email marketing, FB or YouTube/TikTok ads, social media content, and next-launch setups.

4. Make different pricing for each proposal:

Instead of charging a big amount for the entire project, break down the project into phases and make different pricing for each project. Because if you say that you will charge $5000 for the entire project, you might lose the client. Instead, it’s better to create phases and break down $5000 into $1500, $1700, and $1800.

Then write a short description for each phase to give them a strong reason behind your pricing, so they can’t say that you’re overcharging or anything else.

5. Price strategically:

There are 3 things I do to price my service so they can’t say it’s too costly. 1st is price anchoring, 2nd giving discount on bulk deliverables and 3rd is building urgency with limited-time offers.

1st Price anchoring: I create 3-tier packages of my service. And I focus on making the 2nd tier better because that’s what they’re gonna pick.

For example, the 1st tier is Basic where you put 5 emails/month, 5 blogs/month, and an Initial consultation and strategy outline. Price: $1,500/month.

2nd tier is standard where you add 15 emails, and 15 blogs. 10 pages of website copy. 15 social media posts. Price: $3,500/month. 

And 3rd tier: 20 emails, 20 blogs, 15 pages of web copy, and 20 posts. Price: $5,500.

That’s how you master pricing and show them exactly what to pick. Of course, they’re gonna pick the 2nd one.

6. Update your offer exactly to what your prospective client is looking for:

Make it up to date after the discovery call and highlight only those things that they’re struggling with, what they want, and how you can do it.

7. Include your unique copywriting mechanism and USP:

If you’ve some experience in copywriting and you’ve worked with many low-budget clients, you might have found your unique point of view or unique mechanism about how YOU solve different problems in marketing and business. If you have any, talk about it in short. If you don’t have any, create it first. This is all about building trust with the ICP so they can picture you as an authority and expert in the field.

8. Final Step: Create an email to send the proposal without getting rejected:

How can you do it? So, here’s how I write emails or DM while sending the complete G-doc proposal:

  1. Give them clear instructions on what to do. 

And you could say something like “Your proposal is attached to this message. Feel free to go through it and reply to this message if you have any questions. I’ll be checking back with you over the next 48 hours to see how you’d like to proceed and let you know how we can get started creating amazing results together.

  1. Now, let them know how they can start now. If they’re super excited and ready to go, make it easy for them by providing a way for them to pay their upfront deposit.

This won’t work for a three-tier proposal, of course, since they’d have to let you know which tier they want but when the proposal that you send them has one main total like a phased proposal you can actually pre-create their upfront deposit invoice, and include a payment page URL in the proposal.

I use Stripe to create my invoices so I choose the option to not automatically send the invoice as an email, instead I have Stripe to create the payment page URL then I copy and paste it into the proposal and make it a clickable link.

Remember, your high-ticket offer must include:

  1. Specific promises or specific results you can make for your clients with your copywriting service.
  2. Clear benefits.
  3. Scarcity and urgency.

How I create a Case-study Portfolio (with Google Docs)

This is the game-changer thing I was talking about. I landed many high-ticket clients just by sending a G-doc page. And this works like magic. But you must have worked with other clients first and made their results to share a case study in this G-doc.

What is a G-docs case study page in short?

See, if you don’t have a website portfolio. And when you need to send your portfolio while sending cold emails or DMs, this is what you can send. This is the proof of your skill, expertise, and how much you have generated for other clients.

But why create a case study? Is it just your portfolio? Nah!

If you don’t know the power of case studies, you’re just a kid right now.

If you have a single client, no matter if he’s low or high-ticket, you can use his story, and the revenue you generated for him as a case study to get more high-paying clients.

Again I’m saying it out loud: “THIS IS NOT JUST A PORTFOLIO”

Got it?

Once you have a case study to share, put it into G-docs and spread it everywhere on your social media, newsletter, and email marketing. 

How? Share it on Twitter as a thread or giveaway. This is exactly what I do. Share it as a lead magnet and you’ll get a lot of inbound leads.

Let me show you how to build it:

Step 1. Start with a headline:

For example: “How I Generated Over $100,000 In 5 Months For XYZ Client” Or… “Case Study: $100,000 In 5 Months”

Make it simple. Use numbers.

Step 2. Add a screenshot of the generated amount or a screenshot of the dashboard.

Don’t fake it. Be real. It’ll build more trust so your ideal client can see you as an expert and result-oriented.

Step 3. Start with introducing yourself.

Write in short about who you are. What experience do you have? How much have you generated for how many clients? And what is your one goal to achieve in the copywriting business?

Step 4. Start writing the whole story:

Now, use your own voice to write down and prove your expertise. Include the challenges, problems, and struggles your previous client was facing in his business. Showcase their business goals and how you got them. Then, write down how you helped him to find his marketing goals, overcame his challenges, helped to find the Big Idea and USP, and how you generated the X revenue for him in Y months.

Step 5. Reveal your USP and Unique mechanism:

Show what makes you different from other copywriters, why they should hire you, and what unique idea or concept you use while solving a business problem in your copy.

Step 6. Add testimonials:

Add all the testimonials from the previous clients.

Step 7. Add Call To Action (CTA):

Don’t leave them alone with a scary case study. Tell them what to do now. Tell them to reply to your email or DM, or schedule a call in the next 24 hours.

That’s it.


Just learning how to land high-ticket copy clients won’t solve all your problems. First, you need to master the complete art of copywriting from basics to advanced level. How can you master it?

Don’t worry! I’m sharing with you the complete and easiest guide to build a $10,000/mo copywriting business from your laptop.

What you gonna discover in this eBook:

  • How and where to start copywriting (9 steps)
  • How to draft writing copy from the beginning to complete the project
  • How to build your career as a copywriter
  • How to start landing clients 
  • How big copywriters write (45 techniques)
  • 30 Days challenge to become 1% better copywriter.


Master Copywriting And Land Your Dream Clients Now

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